Concrete Cutting for Large or Expansive Projects

Wire sawing is a flexible sawing technique that can be used to cut large, expansive areas. The wire sawing system uses a series of guide pulleys to draw a continuous loop of diamond-studded wire through a cut. The system can be configured to fit into confined spaces and is ideally designed for aggregate thicker than 24″.

Typical Applications Include:

  • Difficult cuts in remote, restricted, or hazardous locations
  • Large, bulk removal
  • Underwater cutting
  • Demolition of mass-concrete structures such as dams, towers, piers
  • Virtually unlimited concrete thickness
  • Round holes, 24” diameter and larger
  • Arch door openings

Electric Cutting

IWS has all of the required equipment to operate fully electric concrete cutting. IWS’s electric equipment will perform indoor jobs without emissions for optimum air quality in your home or office environment. With electric tools IWS can perform any concrete cutting job without the disadvantages of conventional methods.